I am an Associate Professor and the Head of the Evens Program in Conflict Management and Mediation at Tel Aviv University. I also serve as a Human Development Lab researcher at the Boris Mints Institute.
My program of research consists of an examination of different psychological barriers to attitude change and conflict resolution (e.g., victimhood), and the development of psychological interventions (e.g., paradoxical thinking) to address these barriers and promote better intergroup relations and conflict resolution.
In my research, I employ a mixed-method approach with various qualitative and quantitative methods, in the lab and on a large-scale in the field; working in various contexts and populations worldwide, in collaboration with a broad community of international collaborators, as well as NGOs, advertising and media experts.
I received my PhD in social psychology at Tel Aviv University in 2019, and then I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Peace and Conflict Neuroscience Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, and Postdoctoral Innovation Lab Fellow at Beyond Conflict.
To learn more about my work, check out my CV, and publications.